Saturday, 16 February 2013

Nagging concern in the book trade

It was with considerable distress that the book industry learned of the surprising intrusion of the horse-meat scandal into the world of literature.  On being informed that horse-related elements had been discovered in books apparently innocent of equine content, the Booksellers' and Publishers' Associations despatched  a combined team of crack investigative operatives, whose first sweep of bookshops shelves has led to the delivery of suspect product for analysis, with the result that the following affected works have been exposed:

The Remembrance of Things Pasture

Bridleshead Revisited

Groom at the Top

Withering Heights

Whinny the Pooh

The Neigh of the Peaceful Warrior

Love on the Foal

Kane and Stable

The Trotter's Club

Blackberry Equine

The Mount of Monte Cristo

'Tis Pity she's a Horse.

The teams involved in this work fear that these findings only represent the tip of the iceberg.  Booksellers and all other relevant workers in this area are asked to remain vigilant and report any further suspected cases immediately. It behooves us all to do so.

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